003 | How to Get Fit Part 3 of 3 | What’s the Best Workout?

Fitness Inspiration Podcast – Fitness Inspiration | Fitness Motivation | Workouts | Diet Help  show

Summary: In this episode, which is part three of three on How to Get Fit, I'll tell you the four characteristics of a great workout and then give you my recommendations on the best workouts for men and the best workouts for women. "Set it, and forget it." Listener Questions from Last Week's Episode on Diet Before we get to our main subject for today, I just wanted to respsond to a few listener question about diet from last week. Q1. The guide contained a lot of information. is there an easy way to remember what to eat and not to eat. A1. Yes, I was listening to an interview with author and Olympic Athlete Dan John, who mentioned what he was told by his Olympic nutrition expert on his first day of training: Protein, veggies, and water. If you eat protein and veggies only with every meal and drink lots of water, you'll be fine. Q2. From @Cpelli - Do you have any good meal plans/snack idea sheets you could send me?  A1. Just follow the advice above and eat protein and veggies with each meal. For snacks I recommend plain beef jerky, macadamia nuts, soaked almonds and baby carrots. Q3. What about about Gatorade or other energ/sports drinks? A3. I would avoid Gatorade and most energy drinks. Most of them are just a bottle of chemical that cause havoc with your hormones. Gatorade and other sports drinks contain about 90% of the sugar as a regular soda so they will put you into th sugar additiction cycle that I discussed in last week's podcast. Q4. Sgarcia81 - Was venting about being on day 3 of strict paleo. A4. I didn't go into many deatails about this last week, but there are a couple of side effects you may experience when you start a Paleo lifestlye. On about day 3-4 some people people get itchy skin or a bad taste in your mouth as their body starts releasing ketones. Others maybe even a little light headed. Don't give up! Set it and Forget it. What I look for in a Workout Program Now, back to Ron Popeil. For those of you who don't know, Ron owned a company called Ronco and was the father of the infomercial. He was the first person to videotape a product demonstration for a home product, The Veg-o-matic. He also came up with some of these memorable quotes: "But Wait, there's more." "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to show you the greatest kitchen appliance ever made." "Hey, goodlookin', we'll be back to pick ya up later!" Set and forget was for the Showtime Rotisserie and was one of the last big products he marketed before selling his company for $55 Million and retiring in Beverly Hills So what does this have to do with fitness? It's because I recommend you follow a proven Workout System for these reasons: Characteristics of a Great Workout Program It's been tested by difffernet types of people. There is a day-by-day workout plan. It helps you track your process and areas for improvement. You can do it almost anywhere. So What is the Best Workout? These are recommendations based on my own experience. For the first 10 years I was in a gym, I never tracked my workouts. I would go in, do what I thought was a good workout for the day and then go home. And while that physical activity was enough to keep me from blowing up like a ballon while I was in my 20s, once I hit my 30s things were completely different. It was much easier for me to gain weight, losing weight took much longer than it had in the past, and I had to adjust to getting tired faster and a longer recovery cycle. I discovered the Body for Life system and it instilled some good principles. I trained different parts of my body on alternating days, and more importantly, I tracked my progess on paper and put all the workouts into a notebook. But a big drawback is that you need a full gym to do the workouts. That just doesn't work for me on a day to day basis. I don't always have time to travel to a gym and when I'm traveling I can never guarantee there will be a gym that is convenient.