Hollywood Knitter show

Summary: You have until August 30th to submit your suggestion for the tag line for the end of my show. Leave a comment here, send me a Ravelry message or leave it on the thread in the group.  Everyone will be entered for a chance to win a prize and the one I chose will win one too! Applause Thanks to  everyone who added me as friends on Ravelry, sent me an PM or e-mail, left an Itunes review or joined the Ravelry group - Hollywood Knitter Podcast. Now Playing Cassidy - Back and fronts are complete and I joined them together at the shoulder using the three-needle bind off. Currently working on the sleeves. Taygete - Almost halfway done with the garter which is taking forever. Coming Attractions A smooshy blanket in LB Homespun for my cat Gus who loves the afghan on my couch made in it. The Gossip Santa Barbara Weekend with the Girls - Soooo much fun! Make sure to check out the Lompoc Ghetto. San Diego Comic-Con - Didn't have as much fun as previous years. :-( Big trip with Mom and nephew in August to Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce and Las Vegas. HK Award Nominee My new favorite wine Jalama Clemintina - a wonderful summer white. And if you get to the Lompoc Ghetto, check out the tasting room.  Great atmosphere and charming owner with a wonderful dog. LA Story The only panel I saw at Comic-Con was the Mike Judge panel - yes - Beevis & Butthead is returning in the Fall.