Hollywood Knitter show

Summary: In the Can Steering Wheel Cover in LB Wool Ease in Navy Now Playing Watermelon Socks (aka Honey Badger Socks) in Mystery Wool Coming Attractions Corrie Fair Isle Vest by Knitpicks in Knit Picks Palette on US2/2.75mm Mother Bear Project - The wonderful Dr. Gemma of the CogKnitive Podcast has started her annual KAL/CAL for this worthy charity. Do good....MAKE BEARS! The Gossip Christmas Goodies - Clara Parkes Knitter's Book of Yarn & Knitter's Book of Socks as well as miscellaneous yarn and gift card to the LYS. New Years - Mexican and Season 1 Muppet Show!! Trailers Purchased a skein of Weekend Sock in the Malachite Colorway from Unwind Yarn Company (akaDana of Just One More Row Podcast) Proud owner of an awesome Retro Mushroom Project Bag and stitch markers from Sticks Stones String (aka michelestitches) Behind the Scenes For January/February I will focus on my travel goals. Enter the contest for January/February on the Ravelry thread. All you have to do is tell me about a favorite place you have travelled too or a place you have always wanted to visit. Prize will be a skein of Blue Moon Socks that Rock Medium Weight in River Rocked and the Knetted sock pattern by Cat Bordhi. I will close the contest on February 29 and announce winner shortly thereafter.   Hollywood Story  At Best Buy - West Hollywood I stood behind Flea. In 2010 it was Lindsay Lohan. Production Notes You can find me as allison1031 on Twitter or Ravelry and hollywoodknitter on Plurk. Also check out the Ravelry Group - Hollywood Knitter Podcast.