Episode 24 In Which We Get Historical

Quilting...for the Rest of Us show

Summary: Welcome to episode 24 and my interview with Patricia Smith, a member of my guild and all around history buff. Pat is self-educated in the world of quilts and quilt history, and serves as a consultant with her Civil War reenactment group to make sure they have quilts representing the right period of history on their cots. Pat and I also talk about her Dear Jane quilt progress, and her theories about the underground railroad quilts. Have fun listening in on the conversation! <br> <br> <br> <br> Pat's Quilt (taken with my cell phone while it was laid out on the floor at our retreat--sorry about the quality!) <br> <br> Mentioned in the episode: <br> <br> Batavia Quilt Guild's "Stitches in Time" Show, Oct. 15 and 16, featuring George Siciliano: http://museumquiltguild.blogspot.com for more information. <br> <br> <br> <br>