Crowdfunding Update - The Next Phase of Connecting Dollars and Deals

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: We think crowdfunding will be to connecting dollars to deals what social media has been to connecting people.  Yeah, it could be THAT big. So we went out to the 2nd annual Crowdfunding Bootcamp to find out more.  Of course, we took our mobile microphones. While we were there we chatted with the leading law firm in the space (yes, there are rules to follow), a super-bright crowdfunding real estate entrepreneur (yes, people are already doing it), a honcho for the Small Business Council (you can fund start-ups too!), and three of The Real Estate Guys™ listening audience who happened to be in attendance (good things happen when you get out and about!) It was a great time, we learned a lot, and we’re excited to share snippets of the experience with you! The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training, perspectives and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter at