Your EFT Business: A Reflection of You

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Do you attract clients easily, and implement new ideas quickly? Or are you struggling, feeling uncertain and overwhelmed? If everything is an uphill battle in growing our EFT Practice, we lose sight of our original vision and create false beliefs around who we are and what we can accomplish. Ultimately, our business suffers and never reaches its full potential. In today’s show, Annabel talks to Jade Barbee about clearing limiting beliefs so that your business becomes a direct reflection of you. Jade will also take you through his process, “Look to the False Truth,” so you can create a new reality for you and your EFT Practice. Jade Barbee is a Certified EFT Trainer and Practitioner (AAMET) specializing in teaching coaches, mental health professionals and healthcare providers. He specializes in using EFT to resolve complex self-esteem challenges, especially in areas of self-confidence, artistic performance, and professional development. Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice on a shoestring. Still experiencing many of the side effects of serious CFS, she used her experiences to establish a niche working with chronically ill clients, and created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices.To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit