Mary Anne Dorward with Words to Thrive By

Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!® show

Summary: Mary Anne Dorward, PCC, is a speaker, author, coach, award-winning radio host and cancer survivor. She has addressed hundreds of groups, delivering entertaining, educational, and inspirational keynote speeches, both nationally and internationally. Mary Anne has coached leaders in the business and the not-for-profit communities to help them both gain visibility and raise millions of dollars. Her clients include politicians, CEO’s, sports celebrities, artists and humanitarians. The journey through life is about more than finding answers…it’s about finding perspective. Her book, Words to Thrive By: Powerful Stories of Courage and Hope consists of personal stories, poetry, and treasured wisdom gained along her journey that you can take away and apply immediately to your own life. Cynthia Brian shares ideas on reflection, rejuvenation, and redesigning a life.