CUT TO THE CHASE: What the Heck is Happening with Jupiter? - Author, J. Edward Carper show

Summary: In September 2003, published an article titled, Could NASA Use Galileo to Create a Jovian Nagasaki? by Jacco van der Worp. In this article, discussed what could happen to Jupiter once the 48 pounds of Plutonium-238 plunged deep into the gas giant, and that is exactly what came to pass. Fast forward seven years to the present. Did the story die there or is there more? Yes there is and it is not pretty says J. Edward Carper, author of The Philosopher's Stone for the Transformation of Jupiter: Project Lucifer. The bottom line is that Jupiter could already be well along in the process of becoming a sun and when it lights, a lot of us are going to die. That is, except the elites who've awoken this terrible monster so suit their own aims.