Comet Elenin - The End Times Harbinger show

Summary: PLANET X SPECIAL REPORT with MARSHALL MASTERS: Comet Elenin - The End Times Harbinger of Sumerian, Hebrew and Hopi Prophecy? GUESTS: Richard St. Laurent and Richard Shaw In his article Is Comet Elenin a Decoy?, author and host Marshall Masters raised the possibility that Comet Elenin could be a decoy for the elites, but now there is yet another theory that goes deeper into explaining the possible motives for these decoy manipulations.  That the true nature of Comet Elenin is being heavily suppressed by ruling elites because it is the end times harbinger predicted by ancient Sumerian, Hebrew and Hopi prophecy! According to researcher Richard St. Laurent, there is a clear and dramatic convergence of prophecy with Comet Elenin. One that reveals it as the Hopi Blue Star Kachina that precedes the dreaded Red Kachina.  The versy same object we're warned about in newly revealed Torah Codes. Yet most chilling is the warning of the ancient Sumerians according to the translations of Zecharia Sitchin. That its appearance will mark the beginning of the next Middle East war, if not World War III, and that it will begin with a briefly absent moon.  The coincidence here with the stunning lunar equinox video in Richard Shaw's latest production of Watchers 2 is disturbing to say the least. It is as though this great mystery could only be deciphered by the many roads leading to it and in this groundbreaking interview, Marshall and his guests will travel across these roads together.