Planet X - Dead Men Tell No Tales show

Summary: PLANET X SPECIAL REPORT with MARSHALL MASTERS: Planet X - Dead Men Tell No Tales GUEST: John DiNardo In June 2008, John DiNardo co-authored a article titled Planet X and the Mysterious Death of Dr. Robert Harrington.  At the time of his death, Dr. Harrington was the chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory and in 1988, he published a paper titled The Location of Planet X by R. S. Harrington.   In 1991, Harrington, at his own expense, had a telescope lens ground for an observation he made in New Zealand. Before he could publish present his findings, he suddenly died from esophageal cancer in 1993.  After which, his Planet X theory was trashed with an obituary designed to achieve that aim, even though his widow still believes that her husband was murdered.   Is Harrington the only incident where notable figures go public about Planet X and then meet a suspicious demise?  Not so says Planet X Researcher, John DiNardo.  He sees a broader pattern of what he believes to be Planet X assassinations, to include other notable figures such as Malachi Martin, triple PhD. and advisor to several popes and government whistle blower Philip Schneider to name a few.