Simple Survival Tips for When Disaster Strikes show

Summary: YOUR OWN WORLD RADIO WITH MARSHALL MASTERS   Guest: Matthew Stein, When Disaster Strikes, When Technology Fails   Most become quickly exasperated with disaster planning because of the time, money and effort it requires.  Consequently, they wait for talking head TV “experts” to tell them what to do.   Host Marshall Masters calls this the “bravado of reticence” and it explains why many are so grossly unprepared when natural disaster strikes.  Worst yet, as their sunny day bravado fades into a disaster day hysteria, they find themselves grabbing for whatever is left on sparse store shelves - assuming there is anything left at all.   Not the best future for you, but short on funds as most on main street are these days?  Here's the good news, a head full of smart ideas goes a long way towards fixing the limits of a near empty wallet.  Those looking for these simple ideas, will appreciate what Matthew Stein, author of When Disaster Strikes has to say.    For example, worried about quakes?  Authorities advise us to “Drop, Cover, and Hold” but there are others who  disagree and prefer “The Triangle of Life”.   Or, if the economy collapses, what can set aside today, to use as barter in a post-historic future?  The answers may surprise you.