What is fair pay in EMS?

EMS Office Hours show

Summary: The topic of EMS providers being able to demand higher pay is often seen in various blogs, forums and facebook groups. We have even discussed it here on the show several times and points of view about education, training, nursng etc have all come up. But what is that sweet spot? What is the "number' that would be fair based on our training and education? Do you have one in your head that you think is fair? Fueled by the recent JEMS report, this is lining up to be a great episode. Join us for this episode as we discuss pay in EMS, getting more of it and what should be the starting or end point in EMS salary ranges. ====== This episode is sponsored by EMS Manager. Get a free trial of this powerful EMS employee scheduling software at http://emsmanager.net ====== JEMS article can be seen at http://www.jems.com/article/surveys/2013-jems-salary-workplace-survey