Celebrate Recovery Podcast- Live from our Monthly Leader’s Meeting

Celebrate Recovery Podcast show

Summary: This week, we're bringing you something a little different.nbsp; We brought our microphone with us to our Monthly Leader's Meeting and recorded something special. Pastor John sat down and interviewed a few of our leaders about some of the things that excite them about being Celebrate Recovery leaders. Here are the questions he asked: How many years have you been a Celebrate Recovery leader? What brings you the most joy in leading a Celebrate Recovery group? Without breaking confidentiality, what are some of the greatest victories (changed lives) that you have seen it the groups you've lead? How has being a Celebrate Recovery leader helped in your own recovery? How do you stay fresh- renewed as a Celebrate Recovery leader? The sound quality isn't as good as usual, but the heart of the leaders rings through.nbsp; I suggest you spend some time answering these questions yourself, and with your leadership team. See you next week!