Video: In the garden… October 19, 2013: Up on the roof and pruning

A Gardener's Notebook show

Summary: Up on the roof, cleaning off the leaves in preparation for Winter. Using the opportunity to prune some limbs, too. Check out what was happening in the garden a year ago: "What Douglas Dug... Show 006 - Gates, structures, walls and more! " Check out my collection of gardening essays, "From A Gardener's Notebook" now available as a Kindle eBook. (You don't need a Kindle to read it, though. Read it on your PC, Link: Watch all past episodes of "In the garden…" in this YouTube Playlist Please Like this video and/or subscribe to my channel on YouTube. Your likes and subscriptions directly reflect how many other viewers are suggested this video.     Follow A Gardener's Notebook on Pinterest Follow A Gardener's Notebook on Twitter Like A Gardener's Notebook on Facebook Circle A Gardener's Notebook on Google+ Subscribe to A Gardener's Notebook podcast via iTunes "In the garden..." is a series for A Gardener's Notebook highlighting what is happening in my garden, my friend's gardens and California gardens throughout the seasons.