New Ideas for Risk Regulation - Panel 4

Resources for the Future Podcast show

Summary: Better integration of science, economics, and decisionmaking has long been a significant concern in regulation. Most recently, the National Research Council report, Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment, made several recommendations for changing how these issues are addressed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These recommendations, as well as preceding proposals and newer ideas for fundamental change, have significant implications for how environmental and numerous other risks are assessed and regulated. Kara Morgan, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Moderator) “Assessing and Managing Risk: First Things First” Gail Charnley, HealthRisk Strategies “Integration of Risk Assessment and Risk Management: The Need for Caution” Bernard Goldstein, University of Pittsburgh “Solution-Focused Risk Assessment: Reversing the ‘Red Book’ Relationship” Adam Finkel, University of Pennsylvania “Risk Assessment and the Behavioral Science of Economics” Sandra Hoffmann, Resources for the Future