HR Happy Hour - Episode 36 - 'Show Me the Money'

HR Happy Hour show

Summary: HR Happy Hour - Episode 36 - 'Show Me the Money' Thursday March 11, 2010 - 8PM EST This week on the HR Happy Hour show we take on the topic of Compensation and Rewards. Money, perks, benefits, stock options, you know the drill. Organizations every day have to find the right balance in their compensation strategy. Pay too little, and you become the Pittsburgh Pirates, and all your good player leave the first chance they can. Pay too much, and you are the New York Knicks, buried in the standings and with a soured reputation as a team with a bunch or underperforming overpaid has-beens. What is 'fair' and 'right' in compensation programs? Has the recession killed 'pay for performance'? Can companies get away with lowballing on pay and trying to compete with culture and opportunity? Joining us on the show to talk $$$, will be Ann Bares, Becky Regan, and Margaret O'Hanlon. I hope you can join us as well.