EPISODE 9 : Donald Chavis Top 10 FAVORITE TV SHOWS List

The FILM LIST : A Film/TV Podcast show

Summary: Tonight Donald Chavis is our first return guest as he comes on The Film List to discuss his Top 10 favorite TV shows. Heath solo will also read from listener Chris Johnloz TV and FILM Lists. got a list, send it in : thefilmlist@gmail.com DONALD CHAVIS TOP 10 FAVORITE TV SHOWS AS OF 6-14-09 : 10. THE DEAD ZONE 9. THAT 70'S SHOW 8. QUANTUM LEAP 7. MARTIN 6. ANGEL 5. VERONICA MARS 4. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 3. FRIENDS 2. SEINFELD 1. THE X-FILES *donald used same criteria as Heath did, TV series selected have to be complete in their series run.* check out Heath Solo's blog : www.heathsworld.wordpress.com