005 – Interview: Colin Kerr

Gospel Neighboring show

Summary: About Colin Kerr Colin studied political science and philosophy at Westminster College before serving as the Director of Christian Education for five years at the Second Presbyterian Church in downtown Charleston. He is author of three books, including A Heaven-Backed Rebellion, and has also been a contributor in the Charleston Post and Courier, Presbymergent, Patheos, and Relevant. If you cannot find Colin in Kudu Coffee, your next best bet is anywhere where there is beach volleyball and surfing. He works with college students at College of Charleston where he leads a thriving ministry called The Journey. What is 'Gospel Neighboring'? Gospel Neighboring poses the question, "What does it mean to be good news to my neighbor?" Colin's Gospel Neighboring Quote "If you want to help people, you have to dive into peoples lives. You have to wade into the sea of humanity." - Hugh Halter Tough Lessons Learned from Gospel Neighboring Colin's campus ministry took the opportunity to join the Occupy Charleston movement in feeding the homeless illegally to build relationships with both the non-Christian Occupy crowd and the homeless population. The ministry petered out after the movement moved on, and there weren't any obvious next steps or follow-through with these two groups. "If you have a call to do Gospel Neighboring, think about the long-term. Where does this go?" More Advice on Gospel Neighboring Don't be so obsessed with equipping others to do Gospel Neighboring that you aren't actively engaged in doing it yourself. Radical transparency/vulnerability/authenticity goes a long way toward showing the world that Christianity is a surprising, refreshing way of life. Next 24 Hour Gospel Neighboring Action: What can you do in the next 24 hours to begin your gospel neighboring journey? Colin says... Pick 2 places where you become a regular fixture and part of the fabric of the community so that you can allow people into your life, and they can allow you into theirs. Colin's Parting Gospel Neighboring Wisdom "Don't give up on being a Gospel Neighbor. God is at work even when it doesn't seem like it." Colin's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Resources You Lost Me: Why Christians are Leaving the Church ... and Rethinking Faith, by David Kinnaman. Colin especially recommends the DVDs that accompany the book. How to Connect With Colin Web Site Twitter Facebook