007 – Heidi Baniszewski: Gospel Neighboring in the Inner City

Gospel Neighboring show

Summary: About Heidi Heidi has extensive experience in social work and social service agencies, particularly in urban, inner-city environments. She’s worked with the Greater Erie Agency on Aging in Erie, PA; Water Street Rescue Mission and Beth Shalom House of Peace in Lancaster, PA; Bethesda Mission in Harrisburg, PA; and Shepherd Community Center in Indianapolis, IN. She is currently involved with the Rock Hill Dream Center and was instrumental in the birth of that neighborhood ministry. Heidi is married and has two adult children who live in Seattle and Indianapolis. She attends Hill City Church in Rock Hill, SC. What is Gospel Neighboring? Gospel Neighboring is living out the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) by living out the gospel in word and deed in all our vocations/callings. Heidi's Gospel Neighboring Quote "And the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us." - John 1:14 Tough Lessons Learned in Gospel Neighboring We need to realize that we don't have all the answers, especially if we are white middle-class Americans living with people who aren't like us. There are a lot of things we believe that go beyond Scripture, so we need to be critical of our own value systems. We need to recognize our limitations and biases in order to reach neighbors who are different from us. More Lessons on Gospel Neighboring We should use Scriptural truth to allow our thoughts, words, and actions show Christ to others. We shouldn't use the Bible use as a measuring rod to judge others. We need to know our neighbors to see how they define their value systems and in order to better communicate with them. All the junk on our 'to-do' list isn't worth much if we aren't relating to people. Have a posture of availability toward your neighbors. Action for the Next 24 Hours Define who your neighbors are. Do this by making a list and then pray and ask God how you might relate to these people. Unless you define who your neighbors are they will never be visible to you. Heidi's Final Bit of Gospel Neighboring Wisdom "And I think that's what our world is desperately in need of - lovers. People who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way and who actually know the faces behind the issues they are concerned about." - Shane Claiborne "Most good things have been said far too many times and just need to be lived." - Shane Claiborne Heidi's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Resources God's Neighborhood: A Hopeful Journey in Racial Reconciliation and Community Renewal by Scott Roley Shane Claiborne Ruby Payne When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...Or Yourself by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert Jim Wallis Red Letter Christians: A Citizen's Guide to Faith and Politics by Tony Campolo