009 – Neal McGlohon on Being ‘Front Yard People’

Gospel Neighboring show

Summary: About Neal Neal is a leadership and ministry coach and a trainer. He is passionate about helping leaders make a difference in their churches, communities, and cities. He currently serves as a Leadership Coaching Specialist for The Senesi Group. He is co-founder of The Cypress Project which encourages the development of missional networks aimed at reaching people and transforming communities. Neal coaches and leads missional networks in the US and internationally. Over 150 Cypress Project leaders have experienced the nine month missional development process in the Carolinas and internationally over the past five years. Neal and his wife, Joy, have their home base at Journey Church in the Charleston area. What is Gospel Neighboring? Gospel Neighboring is making connections with people, being front-yard people, and doing life with people (both struggles and celebrations). Neal's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Quote "Your biggest next step is your neighbor seeing Jesus living in your house." Tough Lessons Learned in Gospel Neighboring Sometimes our home can become a closed off place of refuge even though it is one of the best environments for ministry that bears fruit for the gospel. Some people who know of your spiritual commitment might make you the neighborhood babysitter and won't invite you to parties. More Lessons on Gospel Neighboring Don't look at your neighborhood as a place to 'start something', and don't go it alone. You can do almost anything to build relationships. (Like launch fireworks!) Instead of trying to 'start something' with neighbors, just do life with your neighbors, and God might actually use them as missionaries to your neighborhood. Authenticity and vulnerability are important/attractive things to share, showing that we really care. Is your neighborhood a better place to live because of your presence? Action for the Next 24 Hours Draw a circle around your street and begin asking God to see the harvest as only he can. Neal's Final Bit of Gospel Neighboring Wisdom Begin to see how your house and neighborhood are your biggest platform for influence. Neal's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Resources Verge Network How to Connect with Neal The Cypress Project Twitter