How Sexual Addiction Affects Partners with Carol the Coach

Sexual Addiction:Strength/Hope/Recovery show

Summary:   Wendy Conquest will  be talking about sex addiction and how it affects the spouse/partner.  Her new book Letters To A Sex Addict comprised of letters she has created from her own experience and that of her clients. She has found the book extremely useful for all parts of  having a partner who identifies as a sex  addict OR who continues to have affairs or indulge in other sexual activity outside of a committed relationship.  Either way there is lying and deception which at first baffles, then crushes the partner.  Most partners are women however this is quickly changing as more women come forward with being sexually compulsive. She will be  talking about different aspects of being in the dark, finding out, what happens emotionally, physically and psychologically, and then decisions a partner has to make to either stay in the relationship or to leave.  More important what needs to happen to create healing and if staying in the coupleship, a more secure and stable foundation.  She adheres to the trauma model and would like to discuss why this is a traumatic event and needs to be treated as soon as possible. Sexual Addiction can be managed if you utilize a variety of resources. This radio show teaches you the recovery tasks needed to work through the shame that accompanies this compulsion. Carol the Coach has worked with 1000's of clients who have fought this disorder and learned how to manage it and live fully optimal lives. Listen to her as she shares her wisdom and interviews the experts in her field. Carol Juergensen Sheets is a certified sexual addictions counselor and was trained by Dr. Patrick Carnes who has been instrumental in developing programs and clinical skill sets that promote recovery,