S06E34 – Gone With The Ubuntu

Ubuntu Podcast » MP3 show

Summary: We’re back with the thirty-fourth episode of Season Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and Laura Cowen are back together in Studio A with chocolate birthday cake, tea, and an interview. In this week’s show:- We interview Ross Gardler about Microsoft Open Technologies. We share some Command Line Lurve: man ascii We chat about fixing hardware, playing The Room, trying to fix a mini-ITX server, and being embarrassed by your loved ones on the Internet on your birthday: (Can’t see the video? Click here.) And we go over your marvellous feedback, including some links about the PyCon UK event that took place recently: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/raspberry-jam-served-to-35-young-hackers-at-pycon-uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYbKDye9jJc&feature=youtube_gdata_player http://ntoll.org/article/pyconuk2013-roundup http://www.penguintutor.com/news/raspberrypi/pyconuk-raspberryjam http://pyconuk.net/PostConf We’ll be back next week with a special live episode recorded at OggCamp. If you’re coming along, say hello! In the meantime, please send your comments and suggestions to: podcast@ubuntu-uk.org Join us on IRC in #ubuntu-uk-podcast on Freenode Leave a voicemail via phone: +44 (0) 203 298 1600, sip: podcast@sip.ubuntu-uk.org and skype: ubuntuukpodcast Follow our twitter feed http://twitter.com/uupc Find our Facebook Fan Page Follow us on Google Plus