Pet Prep Radio

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: “COYOTES AND TIPS FOR FRUGAL PET KEEPING AND TREATS, OH MY” Coyotes are a problem no matter where you live and my place is no exception. Lately I have been hearing the call of what seems like a huge pack of coyotes very near my home and I felt compelled to do another show about them. Coyotes can kill your livestock, cats and dogs and since this issue is literally so close to home for me, I felt like you may be concerned about it for you and your pets too. Join Sheri” The Organic Pet Lady” as she discusses Coyotes in the first half of the show. For FUN and FRUGAL Pet Keeping, the second half of the show is dedicated to recipes for making fly spray, liniment, shampoo and treats for our horses, dogs and cats, as well as some advice when getting our horses ready to ride. Sheri says, “Get Prepared and Stay Prepared”! To connect with Sheri and Pet Prep Radio Show be sure to LIKE us on FACEBOOK, FOLLOW us on TWITTER, and SUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube! Visit Preparedness Radio Network™