Armageddon Medicine

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: Depression and desperation – An inevitable consequence? No job, no food, no future.  Sound depressing?  What will you do when the grid goes down?  Medication may be impossible to find, let alone a doctor to help you.  How do doctors treat this problem now, and how can you maintain your sanity in a potentially terrifying future?   PhD candidate Derek McKay joins Doc Cindy to share how to avoid the pit of depression. Armageddon Medicine with Doc Cindy teaches you how to be your own doctor when there's no other choice.  Drawing from decades of experience as a family physician, Dr. Koelker empowers you to care for your loved ones and yourself under adverse conditions of any sort.  Learn life-saving skills and information to help you thrive should the lights go out for 30 hours, 30 days, or 30 years.   In addition to her book, Armageddon Medicine and teaching Survival Medicine Workshops across the Country, she also serves as Medical Editor for  For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.