Secrets of a Survivalist

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: This week our guests are Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, authors of The Survival Medicine Handbook. Their book is different from other first aid books, in that their book assumes that in a real disaster, there will be no doctors, or hospitals available, and that you will be the caregiver of last resort! Learn how even refrigerated food that smells fine can kill you; how being only 2% dehydrated, can make you ill; how to make a rehydration solution out of your food stores; how pandemics today are more to likely to occur than the Spanish Flu that wiped out 50 million people in 1928; how 80% of antibiotics we are “taking”, come from the food we eat; how a simple cut can kill you in a disaster; how the best medicines are garlic and honey; what are the best medicines and medical supplies to have; and why fish antibiotics are exactly the same, and in the same doses, as human antibiotics! For more great shows, visit Find more great shows from Rick Austin on the PRN Website.