Turd Ferguson: The Inexorable March Higher For Precious Metals

Peak Prosperity show

Summary: Today we're speaking with Turd Ferguson, founder and proprietor of the precious metals Weblog, tfmetalsreport.com. Turd was a licensed securities professional for nearly 20 years until leaving the profession in 2008, disillusioned apparently, to become a self-described serial entrepreneur. Since then, he's become one of the more popular and for sure, one of the most colorful voices advocating for gold and silver ownership by the average investor. Every month, hundreds of thousands of readers visit his Weblog eager for his analysis, as well as his very specific short-term price predictions for where the metals are headed. Two thousand eleven has been characterized by tremendous price volatility, both gold and silver experiencing that. And at the time of this recording, it looks like both are starting to show maybe some breakout potential here.