EFT Business Fear #1: Can I Really Make a Living Doing This?

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Are you working part time as you build your EFT Practice? Do you have beliefs around the likelihood of creating a thriving business? Perhaps you live in a small community and believe there aren’t opportunities, or that you couldn’t possibly charge “that much” per hour for something most people haven’t even heard of. Join Annabel and her mentee, AAMET student practitioner, Jackie McDonald, and tap along as they transform these beliefs. Jackie McDonald is from a small ski town in British Columbia, Canada. After graduating from high school, she planned to attend fashion school and travel. That all changed in 2011. Within a few months, five people close to her died and she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl. EFT gave her the outlet to release a lot of sadness and pain and to continue moving forward with the life that she truly dreamed of. She currently works part time for a small business and is eager and ready to take the next big step and start her own EFT Business. Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice on a shoe string. Still experiencing many of the side effects of serious Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she used her own experiences to establish her niche in working with chronically ill clients, and created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices.To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit www.eftworkshopsandtraining.com