Episode 34 – Cathy Davidson

Smart People Podcast show

Summary: It's a topic that we have brushed up against before on the podcast, but haven't completely jumped into.  How does all of today's technology and instant gratification affect our ability to pay attention.  Are computers and video games the reason for the outbreak of diagnosable attention disorders or is it something different entirely? Actually, one of our hosts (and it's not Chris) literally can not go 3 minutes without checking either a social networking site, email, some iPhone, etc. and is a true testament to this new type of attention blindness. Join us this week as we speak with Duke Professor Dr. Cathy Davidson about what she calls "Attention Blindness." Her most recent book, Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn, was named by Publishers Weekly "one of the top ten science books" of the Fall 2011 season. Dr. Davidson has served in leadership roles at Duke and a variety of organizations and has authored or edited eighteen books. Her work for the last decade has focused on technology, collaboration, cognition, learning, and the digital age.