Alternative Visions - The Debt Ceiling-Government Shutdown Fiscal Crisis & Obamacare - 10/09/13

Alternative Visions show

Summary: Dr. Jack Rasmus and guest, Dr. Margaret Flowers, discuss the strategic significance of Obamacare as leverage by conservatives to extract further spending concessions from social security, Medicare, and Medicaid from the Obama administration. Rasmus explains in depth the Republican-Teapublican joint strategy behind provoking a dual government shutdown and crisis involving the debt ceiling extension. Rasmus explains where and how the already slowing US and global economies will be significantly impacted by the debt ceiling crisis and that the current crisis is but a dress rehearsal for a bigger confrontation a year from now before the 2014 midterm elections. Rasmus and Flowers explore how the Obamacare Act is a convenient lynchpin for the strategy now unfolding. Both examine the major faults of the Obamacare law, the current roll out among states, and how its shortcomings and failures play into the Republican-radical right strategy to cut entitlements today and win election in 2014 in Congress.:Dr. Margaret Flowers is a physician and advocate for Medicare for All, the Secretary of Health for the ‘Green Shadow Cabinet’, co-host of the Washington DC radio show, ‘Clearing the Fog’, a journalist, and past activist in the Occupy Washington DC movement