Kanban Thinking

Business901 show

Summary: <br> Markus <br> Andrezak has been active in different contexts as Product and Development <br> Manager for high traffic and high revenue web sites. During the last years his <br> main focus has been transitions towards Lean and Kanban product management and <br> development practices across his portfolio. With Arne Roock, he co-authored <br> ‘Replenishment’, a free eBook on Kanban. His Blog: <a href="http://www.portagile.com/">Portagile</a> and Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/markusandrezak">@markusandrezak</a>. You can find more <br> information at his company website: <a href="http://ueberproduct.de/en/">http://ueberproduct.de/en/</a>. <br> Markus is one of thought leaders of the Kanban Movement and is  speaking at <br> the upcoming <a href="http://www.lkce13.com/">Lean Kanban Central Europe Conference</a> (It is in Hamburg, Germany, Nov 4-5, 2013) about <a href="http://www.lkce13.com/sessions#boundaries">Boundaries of Kanban – Disruptive Innovation</a>.  <br> <br> A written excerpt  from our conversation was posted last week, <a href="http://business901.com/blog1/boundaries-of-kanban-in-sales-and-marketing/">Boundaries of Kanban in Sales and Marketing</a>. <br> <br> Lean Sales and Marketing: <a href="http://business901.com/cap-do/">Learn about using CAP-Do.</a><br> <br> <br>