Great Gildersleeves – An Evening with a Good Book. 450610.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When he arrives home from work, Gildy tells that his secretary is back. For those who didn't catch the previous few shows, she was fired over being late, but she came back after her boyfriend left her. Gildersleeves doesn't seem too upset, and is glad to have her back. His labor woes may be over, but the show doesn't quite address the double standard of the controversy of having women in the workplace. Today's story gets started when a delivery of a book has come in the mail. Inspired, Gildersleeves tries to get the whole family motivated to read. How dedicated will bookworm Gildy be when the Jolly Boys club plans to hold a meeting? Not to mention that Gildy is the biggest distraction to the reading activity of the rest of the family. Gildy's own reading turns into napping. Dream sequence time. Eavesdrop into Gildy's head as he relives his college days. It may be a dream, but get an insight to what the young Gildersleeves was like. Upon awakening, distractions win out, and Gildy meanders to Eve Goodwin's house. When his discussion of the book doesn't go the way he planned, he heads back to his Jolly Boys. Will his buddies be impressed by his book? In honor of Peavey's birthday the boys sing, My Darling You are Growing Old.