Wierd Circle – The Werewolf. 440507.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A detective investigates the appearances of a great white wolf. Is it just one of the local superstitions? To be married, a man is forced to recite a strange marriage oath. The bride has a couple of kids already, and the couple worry when strange things begin to happen. The white wolf threatens the cottage, the man protects his family, but the words of the strange marriage vow comes back to him, just a little too late. Note: Stories from the old world of ancient Europe include vampires and werewolves. The original renditions are far from what is portrayed in books and movies today. Even in the early 20th century the images were romantisized for the times, and the imprint of the current social and religious ethic was firmly in place. This story seems to hold a little more close to the original idea, but dramatized a little. The oldest beliefs about vampires, werewolves, and the like center around the idea that everybody has a double. Not a twin. Your double is your invisible soul that lives inside you. When a werewolf ran amok, the physical body was in a trance like state, and the subconscious is what became the wolf. No actual shape shifting. Along that line, witches spells affect your double. Your physical and conscious body was never affected, just your subconscious double. Make sense? One final tidbit of useless info. A werewolf is always a man. A woman who does the same thing is a nightmare. Seriously, no puns intended.