Gunsmoke – Daddy-O, John McIntire. 560610

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Matt Dillon rides back to Dodge after a month of riding the range. He's surprised to learn the big news from Chester that Kitty and Sam have joined forces to become partners at the Long Branch. To top it off, Kitty also has news that her long lost dad is coming to town. Will the reunion be a happy one? Will the proper impressions be made? In the words of Kitty, "I need a drink." Drinks are had, and attitudes are relaxed, but Kitty still seems aloof. What's the tension all about? What does her dad think about her owning a part interest in the salloon? After a couple weeks, Matt doesn't trust the tense situation either. Faced with leaving town to join up as part of her dad's business in New Orleans, Kitty's real feelings boil to the surface. Will she finally be able to stand up to her dad? Is the things she says true about him? Listen and decide for yourself.