CBS Radio Mystery Theater – Look Who’s Coming. 790611.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A long time married couple bicker over their tastes in television shows. Harry prefers science fiction shows for their escapist style, and detachment from reality. Florence prefers serials and soap operas, for their real life, human drama. She tries to explain why she likes them so much. It's almost like real people you know, and you can stay in touch with the tragedy and good times in their lives. Going to his friend Mark, who is also a psychiatrist, Harry shares that he knows things aren't quite right, but he's not sure what to do to change. At least it's a step in the right direction. Wierd things begin to happen when what appears to be a science fiction show preempts Florence's favorite soap opera. Is this a crossed signal at the TV station? Is her friends seeing this as well? Her friend, Grace, is Mark's wife, but what answers might she be able to offer? When Florence brings up her thought that space aliens might be trying to contact her, Grace, Mark, and Harry are all ready to send her off to the mental hospital. Is Florence becoming delusional, or are the space aliens real? Is this all a part of hidden emotions that Mark, the psychiatrist could help with? Listen in to see just how real the aliens are, and their true motive for contact. Learn what Harry can do for his wife, if anything. The peace and survival of the universe depends on it. PS: For the sake of the episode, the aliens seem real enough. At the least, I think that this married couple could use a good dose of marital counselling. Nothing that a little communication, and understanding might not cure. Doing more to serve the needs of the spouce can go a long way in having your personal needs met. Don't be afraid to be the one to act first. Just my personal marital tip of the day.