Candy Matson – Symphony Of Death. 500620

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Candy is asked to look into a matter dealing with the brother of a friend. He's said to be losing his mind, and working on a symphony of death. He certainly seems to be a little wacky. He has a wierd story to tell, and a one finger symphony that is far from being fit to play before any audience. Is he being threatened by a mysterious man? What do his riddles in his speech mean? No sooner is the decision made to put the mentally unstable man in a sanitarium, he is found dead, and his sister is picked up as suspect. Candy gets her friend Rembrandt Watson to help out with the musical clues the man left. Who killed the composer? The answer is odd, but a simple one. Note: At the start of the show, an award is given for the quality of the shows in the series. Good thing it was awarded before this one was performed. Maybe they revoked it afterwards. The acting and production in this episode is indeed high quality. I think the writers need to be put in the aforementioned sanitarium though. Not so much a good mystery as a public service announcement for mental health.