Candy Matson – The Movie Company. 500911

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Candy runs into her friend, police detective Ray Mallard on the movie set that is getting ready to shoot on location near her house. Take an audio glimpse behind the scenes of the movie set. In a moment of down time, a movie prop turns out to be a real live dead body. It turns out to be one of the movie extras. Candy has to fend off the advances of the movie director as she is offered a part in the film. Enter a jealous movie starlet who jumps to the wrong idea about Candy and the director. Things get more complicated wen the film director also shows up dead. Actually, with the cast members in the show being reduced, the remaining number of folks to suspect is narrowing down. But that's no fun way to think. Besides figuring out who the killer is, what was their motive? How are the deaths connected? The extra hasnt been identified yet. As Candy pokes around, she digs up more details to try to uncover the motive, and who had the opportunity. In the process, Ray Mallard gets just a little jealous of canddy, but this is no time to let emotions seep in. Before things get better, there's plenty of suspenseful and tense moments. The killer is found out,but the horrors don't stop. At the end, Candy explains it all. A twisted tale of jealousy, blackmail, and lost love. And oh yeah, Candy makes up with Mallard and sacrifices herself in the name of love when she agrees to sit through one of those crazy, corny, western movies that Mallard is so fond of and she absolutely hates.