Lum and Abner – Squire Goes To Arizona To Sell The Silver Mine. 350820.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Horlicks: the original malted milk. Now let's see what's happening down in Pine Ridge. Recently the new rolling store has been stocvked, but isn't without snags. Grandpap and Dick talk about how big the store is, and the incident with overpacking it with goods. Lum and Abner have taken the car back to Caleb to make some adjustments. Dick and grandpap talk about the appearance of the rolling store, and some of it's problems in making it roadworthy. The store is complete with a porch, and even an office for Lum, among other features. They talk about the problems with buying back the store from Snake Hogan. It looks like he is having trouble operating the store, and is losing business. Dick reminds listeners about using space in his own store for Lum and Abner to have storage for the rolling store so they can keep it stocked up. Lum is on hand to tell more of the troubles with the rolling store. It seems that somebody stole the spark plugs, and the engine won't start. The store has been modified with an extra axle to make it more stable. the fix uses old steel tractor wheels, and isn't the prettiest sight. Grandpap tells about Squire being out of town. He went to Arizona to sell off the silver mine. Dick has some suspicions about that, but is still playing his cards close to the vest. Abner seems to have the trouble with the engine solved when he and Cedric drive up with a team of horses hitched to the rolling store.