John Caputo on the journey form Radical Hermeneutics to the Weakness of God [Barrel Aged]

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: With over 5 years of interviews under out belt - having gone from just friends listening to 50k - realizing that there are a ton of people who can't get the best interviews from the past - let us introduce you to Homebrewed Christianity Barrel Aged podcast. I will be re-releasing the best interviews from the early days, super-short new intros, and hopefully doctored audio. This is the second episode of John Caputo's first visit to the podcast.  It was an EPIC conversation you are sure to enjoy.  It's like meeting JC again for the first time! Make sure you check out the amazing bloggers engaging Caputo's newest book The Insistence of God on a Homebrewed Book Tour. *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!***