Nos Audietis: Episode 65

Backheel Master Podcast Feed show

Summary: Coming off a rather horrible week, the Seattle Sounders got just what they needed with a win over Cascadia Cup rivals the Vancouver Whitecaps. The winning goal was provided by none other than Fredy Montero, who made a bit of a surprise appearance off the bench. A surprise only because he figured to be starting. There is much discussion about that game and how, once again, there were precious few areas that we could find fault in this team. If last week was discouraging, hopefully you'll agree that this week proves there's no reason to panic. In the second segment, we discuss the United States' historic win over Mexico with Editor-in-Chief Greg Lalas (@gaetjens). He gives some solid perspective on what this could mean for the United States going forward. He's also a noted Chivas USA enthusiast and we pick his brain a bit about the upcoming game. No episode would be complete without taking questions from the audience. If you're interested in getting your questioned answered, please give us a follow on Twitter (@nosaudietis) or send us an email (nosaudietis_at_gmail_dot_com).