Episode 8 - Hungry Like The Wolf

A Football Report show

Summary: It may still be a month until Halloween, but there are already plenty of strange things going on in Europe’s top leagues at the moment. We’ll be looking at Athletico Madrid taking 3 points off their cross-town rivals as they gave Gareth Bale a home debut to forget, Man United slumping to defeat at the hands of West Brom, and we’ll discuss how Liverpool’s women’s team, who have managed to string together two wins in the last two seasons, have somehow turned things around and broken Arsenal’s dominance in the English Women’s Super League. And the theme of early season surprises doesn’t stop there, as this week’s interview sees us chat to senior AFR writer <a href="http://twitter.com/mynameisjohn">John Ray</a> about Roma, who a few weeks ago didn’t even have the confidence of their own fans, <a href="http://afootballreport.com/post/62432343484/an-awakening-in-the-eternal-city-by-john-ray">but are now enjoying their best start to a Serie A campaign ever</a>. And we’ll be answering the big question on everybody’s lips – <a href="http://www.101greatgoals.com/pictures/roma-make-giant-elaborate-birthday-cake-for-captain-totti-in-colosseum-design/">just what did Francesco Totti’s birthday cake look like?</a> This week’s pod cover art is courtesy of <a href="http://instagram.com/robavis">@robavis</a>, whose photo of the FA Cup third qualifying round tie between Margate and Dulwich Hamlet was our top <a href="http://instagram.com/afootballreport">#whereisfootball</a> photo this week. Keep uploading them to Instagram – next week it could be you. As always, feel free to get in touch with us - tweet <a href="https://twitter.com/afrvoice">@AFRvoice</a> or email afrvoice@gmail.com. You can also find us on <a href="http://afootballreport.com/itunes">iTunes</a> – now go and help Totti eat his cake.