Sound Off 294 - Rumored Mania Opponent for Undertaker

Solomonster Sounds Off show

Summary: Solomonster opens 294 with a special announcement, then discusses handicap hell on Raw, CM Punk's homecoming, rumors of an Undertaker/Ryback match at WrestleMania, why it's a bad idea and a suggestion for a better opponent, the plight of Dolph Ziggler, can he draw money and be a top guy, the shocking lack of real heels in wrestling, a possible storyline twist for Magnus, the Hulk Hogan/AJ Styles/Dixie Carter finale on Impact and the incredible spoiler for this Thursday's show (which involves the perfect cover for the inevitable Death of TNA book), talking Los Matadores before going off on an unintended rant on the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, explaining "Lucky Sperm" Nash, setting the record straight on his "hate" for The Miz, explaining Jack Tunney's role with the WWF since they won't and, in a follow-up to last week's Q&A, running through many of the crappy WWF gimmicks from 1995.  Plus, Bruno's lost title belt, JR's first heel turn, The Zamboni Incident, the Kennell from Hell and more this week in history!Download Standard Podcast