#103 - Comic Reviews for Early September 2013

Positively Nerdy show

Summary: Welcome to Positively Nerdy! It’s time for another round of comic book reviews, this time for the comic released in the second half of September 2013. Another episode devoid of DC Comics but there’s plenty of all-ages titles to talk about, some very NOT all-ages series from Image Comic and all the superhero fun from Marvel!Comics Reviewed in This Episode: Red5: Bodie Troll #3 (of 4) Studio Farlaine: Farlaine the Goblin #1 (of 3…?) Archaia: Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard #3 (of 4) Image: Rat Queens #1 Todd: The Ugliest Kid on Earth #5 Saga #14IDW: Star Trek #25Marvel: Savage Wolverine #8 Uncanny Avengers #12 Infinity #3 Ultimate Spider-Man #27 Scarlet Spider #22 Superior Spider-Man #18 Visit: www.positivelynerdy.com Contact Ryan: Twitter: @positivelynerdy E-Mail: ryan@positivelynerdy.com