Doctor Prepper's CPR

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: Cindy Thompson is owner of Fortress Management Group, Inc. and hosts the Life Changes. Be Ready! Preparedness and Gun Expos. She is dedicated to educating families about preparedness and self-defense.  Her company is sponsoring the Life Changes, Be Ready! Preparedness and Gun Expo on Nov. 2-3 in Lakeland, FL. Tickets are available at LifeChangesBeReady. The initial Life Changes. Be Ready! Preparedness Expo was the first of its preparedness expo in the recent Florida area.  The infrastructure for our first expo put in place in less than 6 weeks! Nevertheless, the premier Life Changes. Be Ready!  Expo was deemed a huge success by both attendees and vendors. The mission of Life Changes Expo is to awaken individuals, families and communities to the need for preparedness through education and training while also providing access to premium products that aid in the pursuit of a more self-reliant lifestyle. Approximately three million Americans now identify on some level as preppers. That’s not even 1% of the population!  Even if you considered that there are approximately 120 million households, that’s still not a lot of the populace involved in being prepared for the uncertain future. Headlines touting the financial chaos created by the banking collapse of 2008, ongoing terror attacks, and the increase in natural weather events has had the effect of showing those who are in tune with the need to provide water, food and shelter for themselves and their loved ones. More and more, being prepared is the best insurance against loss of power, water and social and municipal services. Visit Preparedness Radio Network™