ReAwakening Your EFT Business Passion

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Has the passion you once had for your EFT Practice disappeared? In today’s show, Annabel and Sasha Allenby will discuss obstacles that can prevent your EFT passion becoming a thriving EFT business. Once the passion is overshadowed by all that needs to be done, it’s easy to become disheartened and overwhelmed. Sasha will share with you exactly how she created an International business from scratch and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. About Sasha Allenby: When she started her EFT business Sasha was still recovering from Chronic Fatigue and could barely walk up the stairs on her own. Today she has a thriving international client base and has worked with, and trained, thousands of practitioners all over the globe, and co-authored a book that is in nine languages, Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT: Rewrite Your Past, Transform Your Future. Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice on a shoe string. Still experiencing many of the side effects of serious Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she used her own experiences to establish her niche in working with chronically ill clients, and created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “people who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices.To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit