Jake Sampson: Monster Hunter: “The Gods of War” Episode 4

Jake Sampson: Monster Hunter » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls welcome back to BrokenSea Pure Pulp! Tonight’s exciting feature is Episode 4 of the Jake Sampson Monster Hunter Adventure Serial- THE GODS OF WAR! In tonight’s action packed adventure, Tex and Lucy find themselves STRANDED, upon the INHABITED Planet of MARS no less, with their only friends being the writer Edgar Rice Burroughs and his trusted Seven foot tall, green, four armed Martian fighting companion- Tars Tarkas! While back on Earth- our intrepid hero Jake Sampson is still imprisoned in the maniacal clutches of the Nefarious Fu Manchu in his evil lair; hundreds of feet below the Bora Bora Islands… Across globe in England, Hartford has contacted his ancient order and they have requested the presence of Winston Churchill- and both have heeded the summons- on Horseback, in Medieval armor, and sporting Swords no less! While in Germany… The Nazis continue their building their war machine, as well as continuing their search for Totems of Vast Supernatural POWER across the globe! AND have made a deal with the diabolical Fu Manchu for Jake Sampson! What is to become of our heroes both here and on Mars? How much darker can this tale get? Join us now… IF YOU DARE…. Starring: JAKE SAMPSON………………. MARK KALITA LUCY CARTER…………………………….NATASHA LATHROP HARTFORD …………………….DAVID SOBKOWIAK TEXAS HOLDUM ……………………. BILL HOLLWEG ANNOUNCER ………………………..ELIE HIRSCHMAN TARS TARKAS ……………….. Chris Williams EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS: ………. Matt Weller DEJAH THORIS ……………………. Gwen Jensen Woodard WINSTON CHURCHILL: ………………… Gareth Preston HITLER …………. Jack Ward GOERING: ……………………….. Perry Whittle HIMMLER: ……………….. Garry Cobbum FU MANCHU …….. Glen Witco Scheetz TAKAI: ……… Carl Woods CLAN WARLORD REH: ………….. Perry Whittle JOHN CARTER: ………….. Joe Stofko Music for Tonights episode: Orchestral Scores by: Celestial Aeon Project Peter Wicks of Westlake Films The Jake Sampson Theme is Gloomy Sunday, written by Rezso Seress, performed by Artie Shaw and his Orchestra. Propaganda Music of the Nazies From the Internet Archive: http://www.archive.org/ Music by Cantiga NEW COMPOSER! Rob Highfill Devin Anderson at the podsafe audio website Thank you for Listening! And also of NOTE! This show is rated PG for parental guidance. Thanks Jack/Shan and Jeremy!! For more info: http://theaudiodramadirectory.com/ratings/