American Airlines & AT&T Travel Hackathon: Making the Flight Experience Better – SXSW 2013

Geekazine Special Media: Interviews and Reviews show

Summary: During SXSW I stopped by the AT&T / American Airlines Travel Hackathon. American Airlines opened up their API to the groups for 24 hours to see what they would come up with to improve the travel experience. This is a road show that will be headed to London, then back in the US for similar hackathons. What is a Hackathon? A Hackathon is where people join teams and build software and hardware using Application Programming Interfaces (API) that are open and available to them. Were up here at the Hilton and up on the 4th floor for the AT&T Hackathon for here with phil easter tell me what's what's going on with the hackathon? This is the first ever travel hackathon it's sponsored by AT&T and american airlines so i'm with american airlines and i represent the mobile application team. This is the first time that american airlines has opened up APIs for third-party developers to create travel apps. Were encouraging developers to come up with ideas that can enhance the travel journey - before during and after you land. So to help augment our travel app we decided to partner with third-party developers. Is it like a regular hackathon - do these people just show up and get in a group say i want to get in the group for a or do they have that predefined? They registered a few weeks ahead time but none of the APIs were released They didn't know what they were getting into do they're going to create something cool and uh... disruptive and so when they show that they were given access to our API data uh... they form teams and they had twenty four hours to develop. Here at five o'clock we'll submit the presentations will have awards at eight. Anything catching your eye right now that you you could talk about yellow We estimate sheet things around the gamafication and gaming in air with wifi - also rollatwo program - gaining miles and how do you can gamify that process visualization using gestures for interfacing with travel data social obligation things that we have about about visual AR or visual google type glass technology...