Dr. Yaffa Bey "AmErican Autonomy"

political and spiritual show

Summary: Autonomy: Independence or freedom; the right of self-government.The opponent knows how brilliant and magnanimous your Ancestors (Ankh-esse-stors) were. After all, though many of our Ancestor's records were burned, others were kept for the opposition to decode. Since you are a culmination of every single Ancestor that preceded you and then some, then you and they are One. In other words, you ARE them. Even though my people do not seem to know how marvelous, magnificent, and magnanimous, we are, one MUST understand, innerstand, overstand, and comprehend, that your oppressing opponents (and those that work to empower them) MOST CERTAINLY DO! We have been asleep and dormant too long! We must levitate and become quickened to modify everything now. We manufactured this mess and we must level it.ONCE A SPELL HAS BEEN CAST IT REMAINS IN FORCE UNTIL BROKEN BY A COUNTERSPELL, OR AN EXORCISM!