For God & Country: Derrick Grayson - Sep 27,2013

Southern Sense Conservative Talk show

Summary: This show is dedicated to: Army Sgt. 1st Class Ricardo Young, died August 28, 2013 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom, 34, of Rosston, Ark.; in Ghazni Province, Aghanistan, after being hit by enemy fire. Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues. Special Guest: Minister Derrick E. Grayson, candidate for US Senate from Georgia. "There is no doubt that many Americans are struggling and hurting. Despite all the promises by our elected officials, career politicians, and so-called leaders, many people all across this great nation are finding it more and more difficult to cope with the various challenges brought about by out of touch politicians. The erosion of personal freedom and liberty as a result of federal policy and legislation is alarming. Instead of encouraging job creation, current policies promote a culture of dependence on big government and welfare programs. It is time we go back to the conservative values and the principles of limited government and individual responsibility that helped to make America a great nation. The days of self serving politicians and those who seek enrichment by special interest are over. Americans are capable of making decision for ourselves. We don't need more so-called leaders. We can determine our own destiny.? It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!