Starbucks Special Edition

Practical Tactical show

Summary: Based on the OVERWHELMING and rather unexpected response (mostly positive) to the article we published earlier this morning, we decided a Special Edition Podcast was in order. You can read the article HERE We have had 5900 FaceBook shares of the article, 48 Comments and a nonstop stream of traffic to the site because of the article. Really great interaction! People on the site at the time of this post:   Total Visitors for the 24hrs after the post: Listen to Justin and I discuss the article, and the surrounding issues. Interestingly shortly after finishing the recording, we got an email from David, the proprietor of I Love Guns and Coffee  We called and had a great conversation with him, and we are going to try and get him on the show in the next couple of days. Feel free to download the episode (or any of them) or you can listen to the episode from your computer in the player towards the bottom of the page. As always we look forward to your comments and feedback, and thank you for your continued patronage and support!