#011: Understanding My Identity – Who AM I Really? [Podcast]

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: On this episode, we will talking about ‘Understanding My Identity – Who Am I Really?’ Every one of us is born with a DESTINY – a pre-determined purpose, assignment, or identity. You are not a random entity that just showed up here. You have a name … I’m not talking about the one your parents gave you; I’m talking about the one your CREATOR gave you. You are made in His image and likeness. You ARE who He says you are! Throughout the course of our days, things happen; life happens; people hurt us; we experience tragedy; and WHO we are becomes muddled and unclear. The internal picture of who we really are no longer has clarity or focus. When we experience enough pain and disappointment, we begin to believe that we are something altogether different from who God says we are In this episode, I want to share with you some principles that I believe are paramount to our success